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Thursday, 24 September 2015


 Celebration of the feast of Ramadan in Buea has been marked by a call to the Muslim community from the Imam of the Buea central mosque, Imam Aboubakar Mohammed, to be tolerant towards all members of the society at a time when the Islamic faith is facing serious challenges from violent radicals who claim to be acting in the name of Allah. More on this report with our correspondent in Buea
Speaking to a large gathering of faithful who converged at the Buea Central Mosque prayer ground to pray and thank Allah for the peaceful nation of Cameroon, the Imam told Muslim faithful’s that violence has never been the solution to any problem and that the terrorist sect Boko Haram would never succeed to turn the people of Cameroon against one another because they are a peace-loving people
Ramadan Day Prayer

Imam Aboubakar Mohammed went ahead to remind parents to be vigilant and keep a watchful eye on their children so they won’t be targets of individuals with evil intentions such as terrorists.
The women were also an important part of the sermon as the Imam reminded faithfuls of their crucial role in the well being of the family while reminding the men to take good care of their wives and provide for them.
Prayers were then said for the people of the far North Region who are going through difficult times and for those who have lost their lives in terrorist attacks. The key message of the day being love.
The ceremony ended with the immolation of the ram and much feasting in the various homes of the faithful

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